July 2, 2023

It's opposite-land over on Fox "news" again. Someone seems slightly confused about the definition of "personal liberty" when it comes to women, their health, and autonomy over their own bodies.

Here's Fox & Friends cohost Joey Jones this Saturday during a discussion about the recent decisions by the Supreme Court overturning student loan forgiveness and licenses to discriminate against LGBTQ+ and people of color applying to colleges.

JONES: You know, I was on The Five last night with Greg Gutfeld, and he said something I never considered or put into perspective before, and he said this is not a conservative or a liberal court, it's the most libertarian court.

And when you start look back at decisions, things that conservatives are excited about, like overturning Roe vs Wade, or even these cases just this past week, a lot of it does, it is kind of hinged on taking power and putting it back to the individual – giving you faculty over your self, over the things that matter to you and I think there's a lot there.

I think that the Supreme Court, obviously 6-3 split conservative and liberal, but when they fall, they fall onto, what I believe to be a more libertarian personal liberty side of it, not just conservative. Because there are a lot of conservative policies that believe in big government in some ways, and that's just kind of the truth of it. And that's not really where they fall. They fall, generally speaking, away from big government authority.

They love "big government" as long as that government is telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies.

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