July 23, 2023

From spring wildfires to "biblical flooding," and Hurricane Fiona last fall, weather havoc in the Canadian province and indeed all along the eastern seaboard has many saying that we should just get used to extreme weather as the new normal. The warmer it gets the more moisture the atmosphere can hold. Until it can't.

Source: CNN

CNN — Three months’ worth of rain over the course of one day has flooded the Canadian province of Nova Scotia since Friday night, inundating streets, forcing evacuations and leaving at least four people missing – including two children.

A province-wide state of emergency has been declared, including for the Halifax regional municipality as well as nearby East Hants, West Hants, Lunenburg and Queens.

“We have had biblical proportions of rain over the night and into the day,” Halifax Mayor Mike Savage said Saturday.

The two missing children were passengers in a vehicle that became submerged under water in West Hants, Premier Tim Houston said in a press conference Saturday. Three others who were in the car with them were able to escape, he said.

Although four people are still missing (including two children), with many roads and bridges washed out, residents seem to be coping with characteristic humour.

And why is this shit happening?

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