July 12, 2023

Montgomery, Alabama police say an armed 8-year-old is responsible for a carjacking and vehicle chase Tuesday morning. Reports on the incident don't mention where the child got the gun, how he was driving around all willy-nilly after the carjacking, and even gave two guys a ride before the police chase. And where are his parents? That seems relevant.

WSFA reports:

Maj. Saba Coleman said officers responded to a robbery call in the 000 block of West Fairview Avenue shortly after 11 a.m. Officers soon learned a child had carjacked someone at gunpoint.

She said officers tried to pull the stolen vehicle over shortly after in the area of East South Boulevard and Norman Bridge Road, but the driver refused to stop and a pursuit ensued.

Coleman said the fleeing vehicle crashed into another vehicle in the area of West Fairview Avenue and South Court Street. No injuries were reported.

She said the child was taken into custody and charged with first-degree robbery, attempting to elude and certain persons forbidden to possess a firearm. The gun was recovered.

Fortunately, a man who goes by "Snake" Knapp said he followed the vehicle and realized that a little boy was driving, so he called the police.

"Whenever I realized it was a little boy, I knew I had to follow them and make sure no one got hit and that he got caught because I don't want him driving all over Montgomery, causing more accidents or hurting himself or hurting other people," he said.

He said the child picked up two adults along the way.

"I think parents just really need to know where their kids are, what their kids are doing, and just talk to them about these kinds of things," he said.

You don't say. And the gun. Where did he get the gun?

Can you help us out?

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