Vice President Of Russian Bank Mysteriously Falls Out Of Window
Credit: Twitter
June 30, 2023

Unlike a lot of these types of stories out of Russia, this one doesn't seem to be politically motivated, just some random drama. Baikova's boyfriend was also at the scene in her apartment when she fell to her death. Oddly though, it took nearly a week for the incident to become news in Russia.

Source: Daily Mail

The glamorous vice-president of a Russian bank has reportedly plunged to her death after falling from the window of her Moscow apartment.

Kristina Baikova, 28, an executive at Loko-Bank, is just the latest mysterious casualty involving Russia's top business people.

Ms Baikova allegedly fell from her 11th floor apartment on Khodynsky Boulevard in the early hours of last Friday. She died instantly at the scene.

The bank executive was with a 34-year-old friend, thought to be named Andrei, at the time of the incident after inviting him over to her home for a drink.

An investigation into her death has been launched.

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