June 13, 2023

Trump attorney Alina Habba, now the spokesperson for the former president, doesn't seem happy with her hero being arrested again. And, of course, she mentioned that Trump is the "leading frontrunner," in what I assume she means the Republican party. They use that point to claim election interference, but the investigation began before Trump announced his run. Trump is running to stay out of prison.

"In recent years, we have seen the rise of politically motivated prosecutors who don't care for impartiality, who don't care for due process or equal protection of laws," Habbba insisted."

"They have been quietly but aggressively cultivating a two-tiered system of justice where selective treatment is the norm," she continued. "From the Russia hoax to the attorney generals to the corrupt DAs in Georgia and New York, and now this."

"The people in charge of this country do not love America," she said out loud. "They hate Donald Trump."

"What we are witnessing today is the blatant and unapologetic weaponization of the criminal justice system, she added. "The Biden-appointed special counsel has sought fit to bring 37 federal charges against President Trump, the leading frontrunner, less than a year and a half before an election."

Holy cow, calm your tits, lady. Biden did not appoint Jack Smith. Smith was appointed last November by Attorney General Merrick Garland. The investigation is separate from the executive branch. A lawyer should know this. She's either lying her ass off, gaslighting us—or both. They do go hand in hand.

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