June 19, 2023

In the latest Quinnipiac poll, President Biden leads Trump by four points.

The former guy went nuts.

Quinnipiac's results showed that President Joe Biden has a 48 - 44 percent lead on the cockwombler among all registered voters.

Trump raged as usual, offering no facts but egomaniacal rantings on truth Social.

"The Quinnipiac Poll FoxNews keeps showing on 'TRUMP' vs. Biden is not just an old Poll, it is a BAD Poll," he charged. "It undersamples Republicans by 10 points, which means, instead of being down 4 points, I am up 6 points. Other Polls show me much higher than that, but FoxNews will always attempt, as they did in 2016, to only show negatives on MAGA & TRUMP. We’re winning BIG, they don’t like it, the RINOS don’t like it, the Democrats don’t like it but, most of all, the Marxists & Communists don’t like it!"

Everyone is out to get me!!!! Whaaaaaa.

It is true that so far, the MAGA cult and the overall Republican party haven't abandoned Trump yet.

But when a sitting president has pretty bad approval ratings and still leads you this early, that's not a good sign.

Oh, and Fivethirtyeight.com gives Quinnipiac an A- rating.

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