June 20, 2023

Former President Donald Trump repeatedly put his foot in his mouth during a surprisingly hard-hitting interview with Fox News's Bret Baier. I wasn't even going to watch the interview. I figured, why would I want to watch a Fox News host perform fellatio on the former President, then call it an interview? But Baier did an excellent job. But that was after the network was caught lying to the American people for years.

Trump's interview was like a confession, and I'm sure Special Counsel Jack Smith was taking notes.

"The only way NARA could ever get this stuff, this back, would be please, please, please, could we have it back?" Trump said during his confessional with the Fox News host.

"And they asked for it," Baier shot back. "And then they said they went to DOJ to subpoena you to get the back."

"Which they've never done before," Trump said for no explainable reason.

"Because they have no...," Trump said. "I don't want to hand that over to NARA yet.

Trump said he "had boxes," and we already knew that. "I want to go through the boxes and get all my personal things out."

"I don't want to hand that over to NARA yet," he continued, even though he was supposed to do that before vacating the White House. "And I was very busy, as you've sort of seen."

"Yeah," the Fox host said. "But according to the indictment, you then tell the SAI to move to other locations after telling your lawyers to say you'd fully complied with the subpoena when you hadn't."

"But before I send boxes over, I have to take all of my things out," Trump said again. "These boxes were interspersed with all sorts of things."

Those boxes contain our country's most sensitive secrets, and he was supposed to return them before leaving for his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago where he stashed them next to his toilet. Sure, we know he's "busy." He's facing 71 charges, after all.

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