June 17, 2023

Christian nationalism is a thing, and it's contrary to Jesus's teachings. They are of the anti-democratic thought that the U.S. is a nation by and solely for Christians. The Christian nationalist program "FlashPoint" was launched to support former President Donald Trump's reelection in 2020. It propagates the twice-impeached twice-indicted one-term President's lies about the election.

Right Wing Watch reports:

In what seems to be becoming a theme at these live FlashPoint events, Copeland delivered a sermon filled with false Christian nationalist talking points, baselessly claiming that "the first act of Congress was to enter covenant with the Almighty God."

"[George] Washington invoked his [inaugural] oath and covenant unto the Lord and sealed it with 'so help me God,'" Copeland claimed. "He bowed his knee to the ground in reverence and kissed the Bible. Afterward, Washington called the senators and newly elected officials to join him, and they walked arm in arm down the streets of New York City [to St. Paul's] Chapel. There they bowed together, prayed, and dedicated this land—our beloved America—to God."

"The day that George Washington was inaugurated, this was the day covenant was invoked," Copeland asserted. "America belonged to God Almighty."

Copeland then went to so far as to include Washington among the Judeo-Christian patriarchs who made a covenant with God.

"Now it's God, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob—who became Israel—Jesus, and George [Washington]," Copeland declared. "This nation, particularly to Christian people, should be completely, totally based on what George Washington said to Jesus. The first act of Congress—number one!—the first act of Congress was to enter covenant with the Almighty God based on the book of Genesis."

But that's not what happened. Congress never entered into a covenant with God. Even though there are at least 18,000 different gods, goddesses, and various animals or objects that human beings have worshiped, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that he means his God -- white Jesus's father. Oh, and by the way, Jesus had two fathers, and he turned out pretty well.

Copeland is filthy rich, so can't he buy a better shirt? That one looks like Ted Nugent on steroids -- or meth.

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