June 22, 2023

Trump-pardoned Steve Bannon went off on House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan as well as many of the House Republicans after yesterday's debacle.

John Durham had his butt handed to him by Committee Democrats, and Bannon was not pleased.

Throughout the segments, Bannon, Jeffrey Clark, and creepy Trump sycophant Kash Patel called the hearing a disaster.

"You've got Jim Jordan. Let's be blunt -Judiciary, if you didn't have Matt Gaetz yesterday and a couple of others, nothing," Bannon said. "They were making him Saint Durham. It's a disaster."

MAGA attacking MAGA is always a good thing.

In Steve Bannon's case, as is with all of Real America's Voice commentators, it does not matter if there is no incriminating evidence against those investigating Trump. Their job is to create the narrative and illusion that there must be.

The fact that Jordan must give Democrats on the committee time for questioning the witness must have been heartbreaking. But why not be like Newsmax and just pretend it didn't happen?

Bannon wants Jordan to call the "witnesses" that Durham DIDN'T subpoena? Is that anything like a dead or missing or whatever "whistleblower" and his seven tapes?


Durham had ONE job: provide content for Bannon and the rest of conservative propaganda media. Yesterday, UNDER OATH, he couldn't do it.

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