June 11, 2023

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) suggested on Sunday that the federal indictment of Donald Trump was a plot to distract from President Joe Biden's alleged scandals.

"Nancy Mace, you called this, okay?" Fox News host Maria Bartiromo told Mace. "I heard you last week say, now that we have this FBI document [about Joe Biden], we'll see what they come up with in terms of changing the conversation. That is exactly what happened."

"So on the very day that we learned that you all have seen this [Biden] document, we learned that President Trump was indicted," Bartiromo said.

"And honestly, no one's made the connection yet either, Maria," Mace replied. "But when we got access to the suspicious activity reports, the day we got access to the SARS reports, Alvin Bragg indicted Trump in New York. The day that we got access to this 1023 form showing bribery between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden in Ukraine, they indict Donald Trump again."

"Every time the Oversight Committee has evidence of corruption, bribery, money laundering on the Biden family, they indict Donald Trump," she asserted.

Mace accused Biden of "weaponizing the executive branch to take out [his] political enemies."

"And look, Joe Biden wants to give Donald Trump a death sentence for documents," the lawmaker complained. "They are, he's facing hundreds of years for mishandling documents, and they want him to die in jail. And yet Hillary Clinton is standing free today."

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