Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) called Democrats "shameful" because they continue to support Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) after Republicans censured him.
June 25, 2023

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) called Democrats "shameful" because they continue to support Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) after Republicans censured him.

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, Mace recalled how Democrats protested by chanting "shame" on the House floor after Schiff was censured for his role in the Russia election interference investigation.

"We witnessed it firsthand," she said. "And it was obscene. And they were yelling shame. But what was shameful is that they are supporting a guy who betrayed his oath of office.

"Adam Schiff betrayed his oath," she added. "He lied to the American people. He leaked classified information off the Intel Committee."

Mace did not address Republicans supporting former President Donald Trump, who has also been accused of lying and mishandling classified information.

NOTE: Nancy Mace spray painted her own sidewalk so she could whine that "Antifa" did it. Adam Schiff, on the other hand, did not leak classified information nor did he betray his oath of office. However, we do know of someone who did, and has yet to pay a price for it. - Eds.


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