One of the oldest American restaurants posted a rainbow-colored rocking chair on Instagram from one of its restaurants so Fox News, Charlie Kirk, and the Public Square CEO attacked Cracker Barrel for refusing to join their hate parade.
"Michael, if you were to say which company is totally out of alignment with their normal customer, I'd put Cracker Barrel at the top of the list," Kirk whined. "Now, I would never want to go to Cracker Barrel because I consider eating there to be a very cruel, unusual form of punishment. However, some people seem to like it."
Normal Americans don't hate like MAGA does, Charlie.
"But Cracker Barrel all of a sudden has gone super pro-LGBT, but now what they need to do, Michael, is for people that are going on a road trip that is 95 miles off a highway and they're running out of gas, take out the Public Square app and see if there is a patriotic business instead of Cracker Barrel."
"Well, yeah, I always kind of considered Cracker Barrel as a last resort, but honestly, after the recent moves from Cracker Barrel, I would choose fasting," Seifert said.
Who knew posting one photo of a rainbow-colored rocking chair was the be-all-end-all for these wingnut grifters?
Public Sq. styled itself after Amazon but host only right wing conservative businesses that claim to be "anti-woke."
Cracker Barrel responded, "We want everyone to feel welcome at our table, and that will never change."
This is only the beginning of the hatred that will continue to be spewed against our neighbors. After MAGA scum finishes trying to put businesses out to pasture, they will need another hate-filled cause to fill their airwaves.
Good for the Tennessee company for standing up to hate. We still have questions about the name "Cracker Barrel."