July 1, 2023

Larry Kudlow, one of the most dishonest men to ever discuss US economics on television, was systematically pulled apart by Juliet Jeske of Decoding Fox News after she compiled some of his recent lies and then easily debunked them.

Throughout this montage Kudlow screams about supply side tax cuts and deregulation while crying about the national debt which was fueled by Trump's tax cuts. Chris Wallace took apart Kudlow's lies about the infrastructure bill.

The US economy is a job creating machine under President Biden, but you'd never know it from Kudlow. Did you know, for example, that there is a factory building boom happening right now?

Kudlow was a useful idiot for Trump's mishandling of COVID and the clip above exposes his cronyism and propensity for lying.

As a chief economic advisor to Trump Kudlow should never be forgiven for these words:

"Regarding the containment issue, I will still argue to you that this is contained."

He continued, "It can't be airtight but when you look at the numbers here --- more testing will uncover more cases --- but in a relative sense, relative to our population, relative to ordinary flus, I don't want to downgrade this thing --- but I think it is relatively contained."

This man put American lives at risk. He cost American lives.

Kudlow's stupidity is so massive, Fox News rewarded him with his own show.

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