June 21, 2023

Trae Crowder, the Liberal Redneck, does a hot take about the whole Hunter Biden plea deal. He makes a couple of good points. One is while the right is having a shit fit about the sentence, calling it too light. However, no matter what happened to Biden, it wouldn't have been enough for them anyway. If they had given Hunter the death penalty, they would want him to be brought back to life just so they could kill him again.

Meanwhile, the left is shrugging it off, basically taking the approach of he was punished for his crimes.

What I want to know is when are these right wing rednecks that are bitching the most going to be held accountable for THEIR crimes. When is Matt Gaetz facing justice for the girls he raped or for the treason he participated in? When is Bucky Boebert getting charged with treason and endangering the life of then Speaker Nancy Pelosi? And what of the rest of the Trump Klan? Then watch the right change their tune real quick.

But I'll tell you what - because of his crimes, I promise to never vote for Hunter Biden. Now, it's the right's turn to make the same promise for TFG, Boebert, Sporkfoot, Gaetz, RoJo, etc, etc, etc.

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