June 25, 2023

I'm curious what their next talking point will be now that Prigozhin has backed down. On this Saturday's Fox & Friends, host Rachel Campos-Duffy continued with her pushing of Russian talking points following the apparent coup attempt by the Russian mercenaries.

Earlier in the show, Duffy accused the U.S. and NATO of provoking Russia's invasion of Ukraine. During the next hour while interviewing former intel officer Rebekah Koffler, Duffy pushed her guest to accuse the United States of orchestrating the coup.

Fox News has apparently discovered a scoop that has gone completely under the radar to all but the most deeply embedded of the Illuminati. The big news? Namely, that Wagner mercenary leader and erstwhile Putin warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin was not acting of his own volition, but rather was instead secretly doing the U.S.’s (presumably through the CIA) bidding when he engineered his brief “coup” attempt against the Kremlin this weekend.

Yes, you heard that right: in engineering his abortive march on Moscow, the bloodthirsty Prigozhin simply joined a long list of dupes to the evil machinations of the Biden administration and its sprawling intelligence apparatus.


Embarking on this foray into the Conspira-verse, Fox News’ Rachel Campos-Duffy boldly declares that since the “Eye-Raq and Afghanistan war” she sure won’t be letting the “government” pull the wool over her eyes, so she’s “always questioning things” (curiously, she doesn’t explain exactly what it was about the Iraq war that led to this skepticism).

First, she leads Fox’s resident Russian analyst “expert,” Rebekah Koffler into agreeing that a U.S. or NATO (apparently the two are interchangeable)-orchestrated coup was a distinct possibility. Then she repeats that conclusion to K.T. McFarland, a former Michael Flynn advisor in the Trump administration, who agrees that Koffler is “right” and drifts into a more general statement about U.S. involvement in Ukraine. In neither interview is there even the suggestion of any evidence supporting such a claim.

Evidence schmedivence. Who needs facts when accusations and innuendo will do with your idiot audience? Given the lack of free press in Russia, I'm hesitant to trust any reporting coming out of there as our intelligence agencies and the rest of the world tries to figure out what's going on as well. The one place I know I won't be going to for any honest reporting on the conflict is Fox "news."

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