DeSantis Promises He Will Out-Conservative Trump Judges
June 24, 2023

You heard it here, folks -- Rhonda thinks Trump's SCOTUS picks just aren't conservative enough, and says he would do better! Via NBC News:

WASHINGTON — As part of his re-election pitch, Donald Trump has repeatedly touted his record of appointing conservative judges and, by extension, his role in helping overturn Roe v. Wade.

But the GOP front-runner is facing mounting pressure from his right flank, as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis tries to make the case that he’d pick even more conservative justices. Asked last week by radio host Hugh Hewitt if he would pledge to Republican primary voters that his judges would be like the three conservatives that Trump nominated to the Supreme Court, DeSantis responded: “Well, actually, I would say we’ll do better than that.”

“I respect the three appointees [Trump] did,” the Florida governor said. “But none of those three are at the same level of Justice [Clarence] Thomas and Justice [Samuel] Alito,” calling them “the gold standard” of conservative values on the courts and the kinds of justices he’d seek to place on the high court, if elected.

Think about that. As corrupt and reckless as Trump appointees to the Supreme Court are, DeSantis promises his would be worse. That's a selling point.

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