DeSantis Outlaws Direct Sales Of Autos... Except Tesla
Credit: Getty Images: picture allianceChris Delmas
June 19, 2023

Below the radar, Florida's governor paid off Elon Musk for hosting his coming out party.

DeSantis did this by signing a new law essentially outlawing direct-to-consumer vehicle sales except for Tesla

The Tallahassee Democrat reports, "HB 637, "Motor Vehicle Dealers, Manufacturers, Importers, and Distributors," bans most direct-to-consumer vehicle sales if the automaker has ever sold any model through a franchise in Florida before (i.e. every major automaker). Manufacturers that didn't already have a dealership agreement in the state before the law are exempt, which includes Tesla and presumably other new EV brands such as Lucid, Rivian, and Polestar."

What happened to free market capitalism? . Republicans never believed in that, of course.

And DeSantis just destroyed free market capitalism in the Florida auto market by destroying competition as much as possible for car buyers.

And also rewarded his pal Elon for hosting his disastrous campaign announcement as a Twitter broadcast.

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