GOP House Oversight Chairman James Comer told a Newsmax host that he couldn't confirm if the alleged recordings are legit that involve an alleged bribery scheme between then-Vice President Biden, Hunter Biden, and a foreign national.
June 13, 2023

GOP House Oversight Chairman James Comer told a Newsmax host that he couldn't confirm if the alleged recordings are legit that involve an alleged bribery scheme between then-Vice President Biden, Hunter Biden, and a foreign national. I'm starting to see a pattern here.

"When will you be able to confirm if these recordings are legit?" the Newsmax host asked. "How long is that going to take?"

"Well, I can confirm that the recordings were in 1023," Comer claimed. "Remember, I was with Senator Grassley when we saw the unredacted version."

"Okay, so because Grassley was saying alleged yesterday, so these recordings are legit," the host said. "You can confirm they are legitimate?"

"They were, I can confirm they were listed in the 1023 that the FBI redacted," Comer said. "I don't know if they're legit or not, but we know that the foreign national claims that he has them."

"Okay. So when can you confirm that they're legit?" the Newsmax host asked. Sorry, I don't know many right-wing media figures' names. That's probably because I don't care. Don't judge me:)

"Because if they're legit, I think to it..." the host said.

"This is the problem," Comer insisted. "The FBI never investigated this."

In May, Fox News's Steve Doocy shot down Comer, saying, "And the other thing is, of all those names, the one person who didn't profit is that — there's no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally."

I don't think he's doing the oversight thing very well.

I doubt they have anything of substance on Biden:

Can you help us out?

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