May 10, 2023

Long Island fabulist Rep. George Santos was released today on a $500,000 bond that -- you knew this was going to be weird, right? -- was secured by people who were not named. Santos pleaded not guilty, then held a presser, which was wild. Santos emulated Donald Trump, saying that the 13 charges he's facing were part of a "witch hunt." The crowd laughed.

"The reality is, is it's a witch hunt because it makes no sense that in four months, four months, five months, I'm indicted," he said as reporters laughed.

"You have Joe Biden's entire family receiving deposits from nine, nine family members receiving money from foreign, from foreign destinations into their bank accounts," Mr. Whatabout insisted. "It's been years of exposing."

"A lot of you here have reported on them, and yet no investigation is launched into them," he continued. "I'm going to fight."

"I'm going to fight my battle," he added. "I'm going to deliver. I'm going to fight the witch hunt. I'm going to take care of clearing my name, and I look forward to doing that."

OK, buddy.

Update: Just in case you didn't hear him the first time:

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