May 5, 2023

Tired of his men being reduced to fertilizer for Ukrainian soil, and getting only a fraction of the artillery that Prigozhin's private military force once got from Russia, Prigozhin's tirade was his most extreme yet.

Source: The Guardian

Standing in a field littered with corpses, the Russian mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin has recorded an expletive-ridden video personally blaming Russia’s top defence chiefs for losses suffered by fighters in Ukraine.

In a separate message, Prigozhin also said Wagner troops would leave the besieged eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut next week.

“These are Wagner lads who died today. The blood is still fresh,” Prigozhin says in an extraordinary clip, pointing to roughly three dozen bodies that he says are those of the Wagner fighters.

“They came here as volunteers and are dying so you can sit like fat cats in your luxury offices.”

Prigozhin proceeds to scream, calling out the Russian defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, and the chief of the Russian armed forces, Gen Valery Gerasimov.

“Shoigu, Gerasimov, where the fuck is our ammunition?” he shouts.


This is what "winning" looks like for Russians.

A bit more composed later, he promised to pull out his men for good on May 10, one day after Russia's Victory Day.

Ukraine bloggers have not been sympathetic.

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