May 4, 2023

During a meandering (is there any other kind of Trump) interview on GB News with Nigel Farage told Donnie that if he wants to win in 2024, he needs to stop talking about the 2020 election.

This got the former guy got flustered and angry. Why would his pal cut off his main source of grifter money? Nigel knows about grifting, having lied about Brexit -- a disastrous result for Britain.

“My point to you is if you’re going to win this next year, in November 2024, you’re not going to win it talking about what happened last time," he said.

Trump interrupted, "But Nigel, you brought it up!”

"Haven’t you got to send a positive message?” Farage said, speaking over Trump.

Trump got very pissy.

“You brought this up to me. I didn’t bring it up. You mentioned something, and I said, look, it was rigged," Trump said. "And I say that. I’ll always say that."

"It doesn’t mean that out of a one-hour speech, I’m going to devote half of it to this, I might devote ten seconds to it, but the election was rigged,' Trump whined. "It was a rigged election. It was a very dishonest election.”

Trump will never only spend 10 seconds promoting his BIG LIE. That's what he's been living off of. He screams about it over and over again at his rallies.

Trump then cried that he wants only same-day voting, only paper ballots, and of course, voter ID. In other words, every step Republicans have been using to stop Americans from voting.

When people can vote, Republicans lose.

Trump's whine is always the same: "Poor me, they stole it from me, I was robbed, you were robbed, etc..."

And a simple remark from one of his biggest UK supporters sent him into a tizzy.

Maybe he should take another metal acuity test.

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