May 13, 2023

A neighbor fired up to 15 times at suspected car burglars in the parking lot of an apartment complex in Harris County, Texas, but ended up killing a young mother who was asleep in bed. Oopsy daisy! Via KHOU-11:

A neighborhood splash pad was among her favorite places to play with her three kids, but Bethany Mefford’s boys, all under the age of 7, will now have only memories.

"Bethany lived for her kids," her sister, Dani Gray, said. "Everything that she did was for them."

Members of Mefford’s grief-stricken family agreed to speak a day after her shooting death mainly to humanize the woman who meant so much to so many.

[...] The Harris County Sheriff’s Office said Mefford was sleeping when a stray bullet went through her bedroom wall around 2:30 Wednesday morning.

A neighbor allegedly fired up to 15 times at suspected car burglars in the parking lot of their apartment complex but ended up killing the beloved mother and partner.

The neighbor, Darius Lewis, 28, was charged with manslaughter. He shot at people who were stealing things from cars. Now a woman is dead and three kids are motherless.


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