May 11, 2023

James Comer's oversight committee basically admitted yesterday that they didn't uncover anything incriminating about Joe Biden, despite their repetitive mantra that he and his family were guilty of criminal conduct and corruption. And in a rare turn of events, the NY Times ran this story with a completely unambiguous headline: "House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden." Man bites dog! It's a low bar, but I'll take it. Via the Times:

At a much-publicized news conference on Capitol Hill to show the preliminary findings of their premier investigation into Mr. Biden and his family, leading Republicans released financial documents detailing how some of the president’s relatives were paid more than $10 million from foreign sources between 2015 and 2017.

Republicans described the transactions as proof of “influence peddling” by Mr. Biden’s family, including his son Hunter Biden, and referenced some previously known, if unflattering, details of the younger Mr. Biden’s business dealings. Those included an episode in which he accepted a 2.8-carat diamond from a Chinese businessman. G.O.P. lawmakers also produced material suggesting that President Biden and his allies had at times made misleading statements in their efforts to push back aggressively against accusations of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden.

But on Wednesday, the Republicans conceded that they had yet to find evidence of a specific corrupt action Mr. Biden took in office in connection with any of the business deals his son entered into. Instead, their presentation underscored how little headway top G.O.P. lawmakers have made in finding clear evidence of questionable transactions they can tie to Mr. Biden, their chief political rival.

BUT: If history is any indicator, the NYTimes will feel a need to "balance" this story with a different unverified attack on Biden.

And in case you forgot, here's James Comer, the stereotypical hypocritical Southern politician and paragon of virtue leading this clown show:

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