The three were part of a list of 500 Americans on a list released Friday by the Russian Foreign Ministry, and includes some tv personalities “involved in the spread of Russophobic attitudes and fakes."
May 20, 2023

Presumably, Russia is fine with Jimmy Fallon and his more apolitical late night talk show. Fallon also once rather infamously got to tussle Donald Trump's hair on air, something he said he later regretted. And no wonder, since that night ratings for The Tonight Show have nosedived.

Source: Hollywood Reporter

More than a year after it began its war in Ukraine, Russia is cracking down … on American late night TV hosts.

ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel, CBS’ Stephen Colbert and NBC’s Seth Meyers have been permanently banned from Russia, according to a new list of names released by the Russian government.

On Friday the Russian Foreign Ministry released a list of 500 Americans that it says are now banned from entering the country, with a statement declaring that the decision to ban them is in response to U.S. sanctions.

The list of names includes plenty of politicians (including former President Barack Obama) as well as academics, military and law enforcement officers, and employees or arms suppliers and tech firms. But it also includes a handful of people from the world of entertainment and media.

Chief among them are the three late night TV hosts (NBC’s Jimmy Fallon, for whatever reason, did not make the cut). Also on the list are CNN anchor Erin Burnett, MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and Joe Scarborough, and former NBC News anchor Brian Williams.

In addition to Obama, President Biden’s longtime adviser (and media veteran) Anita Dunn was also banned, as was acting Voice of America chief Yolanda Lopez.

It is not entirely clear why the TV personalities were banned, though in a lengthy statement the Russian Foreign Ministry wrote that the list includes people “involved in the spread of Russophobic attitudes and fakes,” per Google Translate.

The full list is available, here.

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