May 17, 2023

Cranston City Councilman Matthew Reilly resigned as chairman of the city's Republican party after news broke of his arrest Monday morning after he was reportedly busted for crack, which he had been smoking in his car and fentanyl. Reilly, 41, an attorney and a youth soccer coach, will keep working as a councilman.

According to WJAR, someone flagged down a police officer out of concern about a man who appeared to be choking. The man was later identified as Reilly.

"The officer noticed a glass pipe commonly used for illegal narcotics and a lighter in his possession," police said in a statement. "Reilly woke up and appeared disoriented. The officer felt Reilly showed signs of a potential overdose and needed to be evaluated."

Cranston Rescue responded to provide medical attention, but Reilly stabilized and refused treatment.

The officer reportedly found a "white rock-like" substance in his car that tested positive for a mix of crack cocaine and fentanyl.

Drug addiction crosses party lines, and there is no age cap. Smoking just one puff of crack can make you addicted to the drug. And mixed with fentanyl makes it even more dangerous.

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