May 18, 2023

Real America's Voice co-hosts Gina Loudon and Miranda Khan told their viewers a little birdie told them that Elon Musk has found Jesus.

Loudon, a Trump supporter and propagandist from the beginning and Christian nationalist gushed on the Sedition Network about the bizarre CNBC interview Elon Musk gave to David Faber.

"But, interestingly, and this is an absolute aside random, but on Elon, I was at an event last week, and a woman who would know told me that Elon came to Christ," Loudon claimed. "I think that's very interesting. I'll be watching for the signs."

"I just love it how you drop like a major bombshell. You're like, anyway, moving on," Khan said.

"Well, I don't have anything else to say about it. I love to believe it's true." she sighed.

"I have good reason to believe it's true because the source is very credible and knows him well and has had him to her home," Loudon hoped. "So I'm hoping it's really true and I think that's amazing and love to see him in heaven someday."

During the whole Musk interview, or any interview he's done, has anyone seen even a hint of a religious conversion or compassion? Does turning your life over the the son of God mean you vehemently attack anyone that disagrees with you?

What we have seen is a Musk blooming into a MAGA conspiracy theorist who claims a mass murderer in Texas couldn't possibly be a white supremacist even though Mauricio Garcia had Neo-Nazi tattoos.

Or tweeting a baseless attack claiming George Soros hates humanity.

“You assume they are good intentions. They are not. He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity," Musk tweeted.

If anything, Musk has acted more like a spawn of Satan.

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