"Where's The Beef?" The No Hard Proof Edition
Future "Committee Chairman" & crooked liar George Santos enters his plea: Ant Farmer's Almanac.
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists would like us to worry about bigger-picture issues, like the end of the world:
The Israeli protests against its new right-wing government have now touched on Israel’s nuclear weapons. To underline what is at stake, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak cast aside Israeli ambiguity over whether it possesses nuclear weapons to warn his compatriots that Western diplomats are worried that a Jewish messianic dictatorship could gain control over Israel’s nuclear weapons.
Progressive Eruptions lifts a Trumpist rock & looks at one of the lifeforms that was underneath.
Yellow Dog Granny: Eff this, eff that, & eff them too!!
Sad news at the end: Pour one out for Heather Armstrong, "mommy blogger" known as Dooce, gone at 47, & Zed, Pen-Elayne's feline friend & associate.
By M. Bouffant. Submissions to mbru@crooksandliars.com.