That didn't stop the Fox propagandist from blaming someone else instead of taking responsibility for running the story with no fact checking.
May 21, 2023

We all know that the people pretending to be "news" anchors on Fox are nothing but lying right-wing propagandists. Sometimes their lies are so blatant that one of them gets forced to admit in on the air, although not until well after the damage has already been done.

Fox has been running with breathless, race baiting segments all week about how homeless vets were supposedly displaced from a hotel in New York to make room for migrants who’d crossed the southern U.S. border and were first bused to New York City.

The story had received manic coverage from right-wing news media after the New York Post published an “exclusive” last Friday. Fox News ran pieces about Republican outrage on its website and live on air, where pundits suggested that the story was proof President Joe Biden did not care about America’s veterans. Fox host Laura Ingraham ran a chyron on her show reading “New York City Puts Illegals Ahead of Veterans.”

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley tweeted, “Liberal insanity at work.” Donald Trump Jr. wrote, “Fuck Democrats & their bullshit policies!”

Here's more from The Wrap:

Without fact-checking the story or reaching out to the accused hotels for comment, Fox News’ Laura Ingraham highlighted it with a chyron that read “New York City Puts Illegals Ahead of Veterans,” while Republicans raged at Biden, with Nikki Haley calling it “liberal insanity at work.”

However, reporting by local outlet the Mid-Hudson News not only found holes in the Post’s story, but what appears to be outright fraud, with homeless men telling the Hudson Valley paper they were given food and money to pose as veterans and claim they’d been displaced by migrants at the Crossroads Hotel in the town of Newburgh, New York.

The men said they were paid by Sharon Toney-Finch, the CEO of the Yerik Israel Toney Foundation. She also allegedly forged credit card receipts to make it appear that the hotel had accepted payment from YIT, State Assemblyman Jonathan Jacobson of Newburgh said on Friday.

The Post has since updated their original story with the note: “This non-profit CEO has since been accused of misrepresenting the veterans who have been displaced for migrants.”

Which is just about as lame as Ingraham's statement on Friday:

Offering up a “little update” on Friday night, Fox News host Laura Ingraham admitted that the story of homeless vets being displaced by migrants was a hoax, adding that she had “no clue” why a group would make up a story her network stoked days of outrage over.

I've got a "clue" Laura. Because they knew liars like you would run with it if it fit your political agenda.

h/t Acyn

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