May 25, 2023

The former press communications director of Trump's 2020 campaign who now heads a pro-DeSantis PAC described her previous boss as a big loser on Fox Business network.

Erin Perrine debated with Stuart Varney over how Trump fails at winning all his battles while DeSantis is triumphant.

"Trump will take on anybody," Varney said.

Perrine then launched her offensive.

But he doesn't win those fights.

Think about the NFL.

People are still kneeling.

He picks a fight with Whoopi Goldberg.

She's still on The View.

He picks a fight with Chuck Todd.

He's still got a show.

Show me the big fight.

He's not going to take on Goldman Sachs or Disney.

He's not going to take on anybody.

Not these hard fights.

Not the way that Ron DeSantis does.

Wow. She's actually cheering for the loss of 2,000 jobs and $1BN of cash inflow to Florida as a good thing. As winning.

I'm looking forward to this primary fight. Trump and DeSantis and their sycophants spewing bile at each other should be a sh*tshow like none other.

That is unless Trump is in jail already. Oh, wait. Even if he's in jail, he can run.

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