"This is 2023. I'm a Christian man, married to a woman, but I think everyone should be represented fairly," he said. "If you want to keep your kids in a closet and just shelter them from everything, homeschool them."
May 15, 2023

Parents confronted a school board after a Mother's Day lesson planned by a librarian at Alpine Crest Elementary School was canceled after it drew the attention of the uber-conservative group Moms for Liberty. The lesson was inclusive and innocuous.

"The books that were to be shared have been accessible at Alpine Crest Elementary for nearly a decade and are logged and online," one mother said. "These books are well known for tackling blended families, adopted families, foster families, or any family that doesn't fit perfectly into a box."

"All students, families, and educators deserve to be respected and feel valued," she added.

Another woman called out Moms for Liberty.

"I'm extremely disappointed in the way an inclusive Mother's Day lesson was canceled and my kid's librarian has been vilified," she said. "I knew there would be pushback from a few loud bullies, but I'm enraged that the administration sided with them."

"A majority of families have been denied an important lesson in our increasingly diversified world and a platform was given to a group of fear-mongering extremists," she continued. "This group claims that a story about a bear is pushing trans ideology, and a story about a girl feeling left out during Mother's Day is pushing a homosexual agenda."

"They say this is sexualization of children when they're the only ones that brought sex into it," she added.

A father had a few things to say, too.

"This is 2023. I'm a Christian man, married to a woman, but I think everyone should be represented fairly," he said. "If you want to keep your kids in a closet and just shelter them from everything, homeschool them. Send them to a Christian school. This is a public school for everyone. Everyone. I've dealt with that woman. She loves these kids."

Moms for Liberty -- and I heard someone coin the term 'Klanned Karenthood' for them -- is an extreme right-wing group that doesn't even want race brought up in school. Or LGBTQ issues, or anything about discrimination. They are trying to rewrite history. As the gentleman said, homeschool your kids if you can't handle your children learning actual history instead of whitewashed history.

H/T: @CalltoActivism

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