SNL Weekend Update made a hilarious montage of Trump claiming that all sorts of people cry around him.
April 16, 2023

Donald Trump loves to tell stories of big, strong men coming up to him with "tears in their eyes" who say "sir" and star crying at the sight of Donald Trump. These stories are so incredibly weird, clearly not true and bizarre, even by Donald Trump standards.

Saturday Night Live made a hilarious montage of just a few of these Trump claims, prompted by his claim that tons of people at the Manhattan courthouse were crying while he was there during his arraignment in 34 charges just 2 weeks ago.

It is seriously one of the most odd lies he tells...and he tells it ALL the time. Almost every speech, in fact. And no one asks why people cry when they see him - and it doesn't sound like HAPPY tears. The sight of this man just makes people break down in fear? Sadness? WHAT?

Anyhow, enjoy the video. It is hilarious.

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