"A new MAGA ad has gone after Ron DeSantis by recreating his truly disturbing method of eating chocolate pudding with his fingers."
April 14, 2023

CNN aired this this morning. No words.

Source: Daily Beast

A new MAGA ad has gone after Ron DeSantis by recreating his truly disturbing method of eating chocolate pudding with his fingers. The Daily Beast first reported the chilling incident involving the Florida governor, which is now being used to attack his political record. “Ron DeSantis loves sticking his fingers where they don’t belong,” the ad, which aired during Fox & Friends on Friday morning, says as a man in a suit sits down to eat pudding with three of his fingers. “And we’re not just talking about pudding. DeSantis has his dirty fingers all over senior entitlements. Like cutting Medicare, slashing social security, even raising our retirement age.” The spot was funded by the Make America Great Again Inc. PAC, a group supporting Donald Trump without being officially part of the former president’s campaign. “Tell Ron DeSantis to keep his pudding fingers off our money,” the ad ends. “Oh, and somebody get this man a spoon.”

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