April 11, 2023

Following Donald Trump's historic indictment at the Manhattan criminal court, the former President has to return to New York City over a massive civil suit. This is not to be mistaken for the civil lawsuits filed by advice columnist and author E. Jean Carroll, who says Trump sexually assaulted her in the mid-1990s. That takes place this month, too. And there could be indictments coming in from Georgia.

Via ABC News:

Former President Donald Trump is scheduled to return to New York City Thursday to sit for a second deposition as part of New York Attorney General Letitia James' $250 million civil fraud lawsuit, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

Trump previously sat for an hourslong deposition in August, prior to James filing her lawsuit that accused Trump, his eldest children and his company of fraudulently inflating the value of the Trump real estate portfolio and his net worth.

The attorney general's office has the right to depose relevant parties after the filing of the lawsuit as part of the discovery process.

Trump is expected to sit for this new deposition Thursday at the attorney general's downtown office. The former President has been seeking to delay the start of the trial in the civil case, but the judge has said the October start is firm "come hell or high water."

Trump is good at slowing cases down. He knows how to work the courts, but his time is up. People have caught on to his games. Also coming Trump's way is the classified documents case that Special Counsel Jack Smith is investigating and the one-term President's role in the Jan. 6th attack on our Capitol.

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