Trump Lawyer: Attacking Judge's Family Is 'Not Something Personal'
April 9, 2023

Jim Trusty, attorney for Donald Trump, insisted that the former president's attacks on a judge's family were "not something personal."

During an interview on ABC's This Week program, host Jonathan Karl confronted the attorney after Trump repeatedly called out Juan Merchan, the New York judge overseeing a criminal case against the former president. The judge received dozens of threats after Trump attacked his family.

"I don't have any experience with this judge," Trusty said. "And again, my practice as somebody who's been in the criminal justice lane for about 35, 36 years is to not, you know, jump on to any bandwagon when it comes to criticizing. I think the criticisms of the family were not something personal. It was pointing out that they have a bias, that they have a political interest that is contrary to President Trump's."

In the end, Trusty said he had faith in Trump's New York legal team to determine "if there's an actual legal basis for disqualification."

Watch the video clip below from ABC.

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