The senator said he's eager to get back to his family and his job, and he's committed to long-term treatment to manage both his depression and auditory processing condition.
April 3, 2023

John Fetterman was hospitalized for major depression last month at the Walter Reed Medical Center, and was released Friday. Via NPR:

He continues to deal with communication challenges related to his auditory processing issues. For conversations, he's relied on aides at the Capitol who assist him with devices that translate voice to text.

Fetterman was also fitted for hearing aids during his treatment and worked with speech-language specialists for what his care team identified as mild-to-moderate hearing loss. His speech abilities showed improvement as his depression improved, according to the doctor's summary.

The senator said he's committed to long-term treatment to manage both his depression and auditory processing condition, the doctor said.

The full interview with CBS Sunday Morning is below:

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