April 20, 2023

It's hard to forget that time Rep. Andrew Clyde (GA-R) compared the January 6 attack on our Capitol to a "tourist visit," and for sure, Rep. Jamie Raskin wasn't going to let him forget it during a Congressional hearing. Raskin noted the crime statistics in Georgia since Republicans suddenly want to talk about crime. Specifically, they want to talk about crime in Washington, D.C.

"Just a few points about the last contribution from the gentleman from Georgia," Raskin said, referring to Clyde. "Georgia reported 892 murders in the last year, the fourth highest in the country."

"He says that Washington, D.C. is overrun by violent criminals," he continued. "The only time I've seen an institution overrun by violent criminals was here in the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, an event that that gentleman described as a tourist visit and has consistently likened it to a tourist visit."

"So I don't know that he's going to be the best and most reliable witness for determining when an institution is being overrun by violent criminals," Raskin said. "And the rhetoric I hear from the Freedom Caucus is about defunding the FBI and defunding the ATF."

"No one on our side of the aisle is talking about defunding any of them or defunding the police," he added. "On the contrary."

If Republicans cared about crime, they should look into the district House Speaker Kevin McCarthy represents. The murder rate there would blow their minds.

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