April 12, 2023

In what can only look like a headline straight from The Onion, Missouri Republicans voted to defund all state libraries, as well as costs for diversity initiatives, childcare and pre-kindergarten programs. In the video above, "The GOP passed a budget in MO that will not fund public libraries because “librarians are suing over their First Amendment Rights…” (Peter Meredith, D - MO)

If you live in Missouri, my sincere condolences for your dystopian hellhole.

Source: Heartland Signal

Missouri House Republicans voted to defund all of the state’s public libraries, in a proposed $45.6 billion state budget that will soon move to a vote in the GOP-controlled state Senate.

The Missouri House debated for over eight hours last Tuesday on a budget that is roughly $2 billion less than the one Gov. Mike Parson (R) proposed last January, cutting not only the $4.5 million Parson had slated for libraries, but also costs for diversity initiatives, childcare and pre-kindergarten programs.

Missouri House budget committee leader Rep. Cody Smith (R-Carthage) proposed cutting library aid due to a recent lawsuit filed against the state last February.

The lawsuit — filed by the ACLU of Missouri on behalf of the Missouri Association of School Librarians and the Missouri Library Association — seeks to declare Senate Bill 775 unconstitutional, a bill that has resulted in over 300 books getting banned from school libraries, many of which include LGBTQ characters or racial justice themes.

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