April 11, 2023

In late 2022 after Gen Z came out strong at the polls, conservative personalities suggested raising the voting age. They suggested that because they have nothing to offer younger people. Nothing. So, take away their right to vote.

Former Trump White House counselor Kellyanne Conway told Fox News host Laura Ingraham that Republicans "perhaps" have some work to do to earn the youth vote.

"So we can't be beaten on this policy-wise," Kellyanne insisted. "I think we've already won the policy arguments on the economy, on education, on a number of issues."

"I think we've got some work to do on the young people who think differently on abortion, perhaps, or guns, or climate change," she continued. "But even there, the Democrats' messages are usually cynical."

"The place I'm really – the thing I'm really concerned about with this, Laura, is that the left becomes a turnout machine with young people because influencers have this domino effect," she added.

Republicans gleefully watched Roe get overturned, then they took an extreme rightward stance, going after abortion pills and wanting no exception for rape or incest. Republicans came out strong against student forgiveness. And Republicans do not care about the climate crisis. The only thing they care about is power. That's it.

I don't know what policy ideas Kellyanne is talking about. Republicans campaigned on jobs and fighting inflation, and now they solely serve as a tool to obstruct investigations into the one-term twice-impeached, indicted former President. What a policy. She talked about policies on education. I suppose she's referring to book bans. None of this is appealing to America's younger voters.

Maybe Kellyanne should listen to her daughter.

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