April 19, 2023

Fox claimed the settlement "reflects Fox's continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards," at which Jake Tapper spit out his milk, figuratively speaking.

Source: Business Insider

CNN host Jake Tapper burst out laughing as he reported the $787.5 million settlement Fox News reached with Dominion in the election machine company's lawsuit against the network.

News of the settlement broke just before the case was about to go to trial, and Tapper had to pause several times as he read out a statement from Fox News.

"I'm sorry this is going to be difficult to say with a straight face," said Tapper, before reading out a section of the statement in which Fox claimed the settlement "reflects Fox's continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards" and "allows the country to move forward from these issues."

Tapper said the settlement "can only be interpreted as one of the ugliest and most embarrassing moments in the history of journalism."

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