April 27, 2023

What's Fox News angry about today?

Fox News jumped on an RNC tweet of a picture to hyperventilate for hours over President Biden and a so-called "cheat sheet" during his South Korean press conference.

Fox and Friends were livid at the press corps and the president. They flew in a video clip of former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who was beside herself.

"That is an inconceivable thought to me as a former press secretary. But to Joe Biden, it's a different ballgame because [as] the press, you're members of the administration," McEnany howled.

Peter Doocy tied in a reporter to the cheat sheet, admitting her question was a little different.

Joe Biden's staff has provided him with daily guidance notes for the entirety of his career in public service, over 50 years. It's called competence.

Here he is talking with John Dickerson in 2016 about the card his staff has given him daily since he was 26 years old. It's what the staff is there to do.

The one time we saw Trump using notes, it was so his staff could REMIND HIM to be EMPATHETIC to recent Parkland GUN VICTIMS. Really.

PS. If this is Fox's way to distract from yesterday's testimony that Trump violently inserted his penis into Jean Carroll in a dressing room, that's a FAIL. Your boy has been credibly accused of rape, under oath, Fox and Friends.

Good luck with that fake outrage, tho.

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