Fox News Settles Defamation Lawsuit Brought By Dobbs Target
April 10, 2023

Fox News has made a settlement with a Venezuelan businessman who sued them for making false claims about his involvement in the 2020 presidential election. Via The Independent:

Court documents, filed in the Southern District of New York, show that the Rupert Murdoch-owned network and businessman Majed Khalil settled the defamation lawsuit on Saturday.

[...] Mr Khalil sued Fox News and one of its former hosts Lou Dobbs over statements made about him after Donald Trump lost the 2020 election to President Joe Biden.

Both on air and on Twitter, Mr Dobbs and Fox News’ guest and conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell had falsely accused Mr Khalil of playing a key role in rigging the election against Mr Trump.

In one tweet, Mr Dobbs urged his viewers to “get familiar with” Mr Khalil and three other individuals as the orchestrators of what he described as a “cyber Pearl Harbor”.

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