The low-IQ propagandists over at Fox & Friends talked about Sam Alito's paranoid coverup piece in the Wall St. Journal this morning. Of course, they agreed with it.
"Justice Samuel Alito approaching the one-year anniversary of the leak from the Supreme Court about the Dobbs decision has a suspicion, he says, about who might have been behind that leak," Will Cain said. (Gee, Will, ya think? Think harder!)
Alito told the Journal he does have a pretty good idea. He then claimed the justices were really "targets of assassination," saying someone thought they might be able to stop the decision by killing a justice. He said the leak was an attempt to stop the Dobbs decision.
"And potentially assasinate him," Rachel Campos-Duffy said.
"It sounds like the investigation has been concluded inconclusively, but Alito knows," Pete Hegseth said. (Yes, Pete. He knows because he leaked it.)
"Was the investigation just done personally by the Supreme Court or was the FBI involved?" Rachel asked.
"No FBI. Rachel: see, that's the thing, the FBI should have been involved, and I guess that decision was made by the Chief Justice. Do you keep things collegial when you have, at the same time like this, where you have a justice saying, 'I think someone working with one of my colleagues wanted to have me killed,' potentially. I mean, that's not very collegial. The best thing to do is always bring out the truth."
Then Will Cain attacked John Roberts for protecting Obamacare. (Yadda, yadda, yadda.)
"I don't question his motives, I just question his priority. It's not your priority to decide what's best for the country, it's your job to to decide the law," he said with a straight face. (Stupid, or run-of-the-mill Fox propagandist? You decide!)
"It would really tear the court apart to know the truth. It would be bad for the court," Ed Henry said.
"Ironically, i think it's had the other effect," Pete Hegseth said.
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant. You find the person who did something unprecedented, make an example of them and say we don't tolerate that at this court. Instead, now you've got whisper campaigns, questions, other justices talking about it, we think we know but we don't know, undermining the credibility while thinking he's maintaining it."
"That's right. Because someone else has already torn the fabric of the Court," Will Cain said.
"Someone is tanking the credibility of the Court, and today know the identity. If you can find -- I just watched this documentary, if you can find the Boston bombers in, like, 72 hours or whatever it was, 48 hours, you can find the guy who grabbed an e-mail and gave it to a reporter."
The absolutely BRILLIANT Campos-Duffy said (and I am not kidding) that we can put to rest the idea that the leak was from someone on Alito's side of the decision.
"We can now put that to rest. We know that it's somebody who was very much against the decision, the Dobbs decision," she said. And how do we know? BECAUSE ALITO TOLD THEM.