April 4, 2023

Behind closed doors, with the NRA, gun rights activists, and legislative leaders present, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into legislation a bill that allows residents to carry a concealed loaded weapon without a permit.

DeSantis usually promotes everything he does on the national stage, but not for this bill, not after the recent Nashville shooting.

He's a coward.

A recent poll taken by the University of North Florida showed 77% of those responding were somewhat or strongly opposed to permitless carry legislation.

But what the people want is meaningless when it comes to gun safety. Only the NRA extremists matter to the MAGA GOP.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre issued this statement.

It is shameful that so soon after another tragic school shooting, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a permitless concealed carry bill behind closed doors, which eliminates the need to get a license to carry a concealed weapon.

This is the opposite of common sense gun safety. The people of Florida — who have paid a steep price for state and Congressional inaction on guns from Parkland to Pulse Nightclub to Pine Hills — deserve better.

Florida Sheriff John Mina was very unhappy with this legislation and told Jon Stewart this on his Apple TV show.

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