April 3, 2023

Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon was in ecstasy this morning on his Sedition podcast.

Discussing Marjorie Taylor Green's appearance with Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes, Bannon said, "It doesn't get better than this. MTG calling the Democrats pedophiles, multiple times, with no push back -- by one of their senior 'correspondents.'"

Media critics and political pundits were flabbergasted that CBS News and the iconic 60 Minutes put on a QAnon, conspiracy theorist, anti-Semite, white nationalist, anti-democratic congresswoman on the air, for no apparent reason but maybe ratings.

This is two black eyes for their signature news program.

Bannon was orgasmic.

"MTG is Trump in construction boots," he said. "A steel-toed construction boot put in your keister. I can play that all day long."

"Last night, you had the jewel in the crown of the Tiffany Network, revered CBS News of Edward R. Murrow, Murrow's boys, Walter Cronkite, Eric Sevareid, handed down for 40 or 50 years as the railhead of really the liberal mainstream media. Not CNN," Bannon opined. "It's the New York Times and CBS News."

"CBS News had on their beloved, revered show, MTG, calling the Democrats pedophiles multiple times with no push-back or virtually no push-back by one of their senior, quote-unquote, correspondents."

"That is historic."

"Murrow turned over in their grave last night. That was a historic moment --and Lesley Stahl is getting shredded." he sang.

To wrap up his rant, Bannon put a cherry on top.

"She called Biden a pedophile. It doesn't get any better than that. It just doesn't."

This may be the first time in TV news history that a congressional member of an opposing political party (MAGA cult) called their political rivals 'pedos' without the interviewer doing anything about it.

These are two black eyes for CBS' signature news program.

It doesn't get any worse for CBS. It just doesn't.

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