March 12, 2023

On Friday, the Freedom Caucus used the debt ceiling showdown to release their sketched out plans to destroy the country with ideas that would not pass the Republican-led House, let alone the Senate.

Rep. Scott Perry's entire brainchild fit on one page. NBC News reports, "The Republicans gave no indication they would write their own bill representing the Freedom Caucus vision, raising questions about whether their effort will get off the ground. "

Does anyone expect Freedom Caucus members to produce an actual legislative proposal?

If they can't tweet it out in under 280 characters, it ain't happening.

Responding to a reporter's question about compromising with Republicans on Social Security during a press briefing OMB director Shalanda Young made fools of them all.

Using the one-page memo to discuss Social Security, this reporter, asked about the issue using right-wing framing, as Beltway reporters do.

"Social Security has only 12 more years of solvency left. This seems like a good opportunity with divided government for the President to make a proposal in hopes for a compromise, " he said. "He doesn't seem to be interested in doing that."

"You assume the debate is from cutting no benefits and moving forward," Young said. "We are trying to protect the benefits that are there now. I wish we are at the point of debate where we can come sit down and up with proposals to extend."

"It is clear that some people want to go backwards. We're saying this president, which he has said over and over again, will not accept benefit cuts in the Social Security program," Young said.

"You're assuming all players are starting from the same place. They're not and so this president has been very clear. His position is we will protect Social Security."

The reporter continued backing Republicans.

"The president is not making a proposal here to extend solvency of Social Security. he's proposing not to accept any benefit cuts, but the Republican leaders say they're not proposing benefit cuts," the reporter pressed.

"Who are you going to listen to? Are you going to listen to the Freedom Caucus, who put out something different than what other people are saying?" she asked.

"What we've said is, Monday, one thing is said. Tuesday, another thing is said. We'll know if that is an ironclad commitment," Young replied. "We hope it is. Until we see a plan, excuse us for wanting to see it in black and white and see that it's supported by the majority of the conference."


Freedom Caucus members, as well as their conference continually discuss raising the retirement age as their starting point.

That is a cut in benefits.

The Biden administration will not let that stand.

Outside of vitriolic catchphrases and juvenile rank outs, Republicans have offered nothing on our social safety nets.

Just screaming on Fox News that America must cut spending is not a plan.

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