March 26, 2023

Every Trump rally is weird, but the one in Waco, Texas, had its own particular weirdness, with Ted Nugent kicking the event off with a homophobic insult aimed at President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Well now. First of all, Zelenskyy isn't gay, and secondly, Nugent wrote a song, Jailbait, about having sex with a 13-year-old girl. So, the rally wasn't just weird. It was creepy, too.

Former President Donald Trump has been lashing out at every top official investigating him, but lately, he's laser-focused on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, so of course, at least one Trump supporter at the rally called for a "citizen's arrest." I guess he'll want to arrest the entire grand jury, too.

Another guy at Trump's totally not weird rally explained that he had won multiple bets with his friend, Tommy, who insists that the one-term President is somehow about to be reinstated. Tommy said that he still thinks it could happen any day now.

"I think he'll be definitely elected, if not something will happen this year," Tommy said. "I believe he could be installed anytime."

Sure thing, Tommy.

At least his friend is smart enough to know that there is no mechanism in the Constitution to allow for the reinstatement of a failed candidate. But he went to the Trump rally, which takes away from any brownie points he might have gotten.

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