Oh, look! A train derailed in Florida yesterday, which left mangled tracks and a tanker carrying thousands of gallons of propane tipped over. But look at all the trains that don't derail! Via USAToday:
The Seminole Gulf Railway train jumped its tracks near Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport, and fire and rescue officials said there were no reports of injuries reported and no evidence of leaks at the site.
Southern Manatee Fire District Chief Robert Bounds told the Bradenton Herald that six box cars tipped over, including one carrying 30,000 gallons of propane. Another carrying propane came off the tracks but did not tip over.
Bounds said the freight train had also been minimally staffed, the newspaper reported. Manatee County Emergency Medical Services and Sheriff's Office personnel have been deployed to assist with the clearing of the tracks.
Why, just this morning, I reported this:
“The rail industry has a very high success rate of moving hazardous material — to the point of 99-percent-plus,” Nehls said. “Let’s not have more burdensome regulations and all this other stuff.”
The article also reports:
Heavy industry lobbying has also limited regulations on train safety in an effort to reduce costs.
They're not trying to "reduce costs." They're trying to maximize profits, and they don't care who gets in the way.