March 9, 2023

Charlie Kirk and far-right Pizzagate barker Jack Posobiec hit on a truly insane conspiracy theory about the insurrection at the US Capitol after seeing some of Tucker's fiction.

Posobiec, a massive spreader of disinformation on Twitter, who was mentored by Roger Stone almost fainted discussing the new propaganda videos created by Carlson to absolve treasonous insurrectionists and put the blame on you-know-who.

"I didn't think I could be surprised anymore, but I see this footage and say the lies were far worse than we even imagined," Posobiec said.

Not to be outdone, Kirk dug in.

Kirk claimed the federal government tried to create a Patriot Act 2.0, a second security state "from this all based on a lie," Kirk whined.

Huh? Instead of talking in tongues, MAGA cultists talk in gibberish.

They aren't talking about Trump's BIG LIE.

The ratf**ker continued.

"[Democrats] were trying to create a Reichstag moment is what they were doing," Jake said. They used again another attack on the Capitol --- that was used to then institute a regime."

(Biden won the election. Biden won the election, Biden won the 2020 election by over 7,000,000 votes)

"Only 14 days after the January 6, President Biden was installed as president of the United States at an event that had no public audience whatsoever," he said.

During the pandemic and after a massive attack by Trump supporters at the US Capitol, it would have been a dereliction of duty if there wasn't a strong police presence at the inauguration since vetting couldn't have been accomplished two weeks out. But sure, this equals the Reichstag of Nazi Germany.

What irritated Jack more than anything was that he was inconvenienced covering the event for OANN.

"The entire Capitol was surrounded -- by the United States military -- I couldn't even park my car; I had to show ID, I had to show press pass. Just to even film with my cell phone, because they turned Washington DC into a militarized zone," Posobiec cried.

The horror.

The psychos for Trump have become blathering idiots, throwing any insane idea against the wall, hoping something will stick.

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