Americans' Opinion Of Russia Sinks To All-time Low - 9%
Credit: Wikimedia
March 16, 2023

Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump might be Vladimir's best buddies (outside of Tucker Carlson), but Gallup's recent polls show they are very much outside of mainstream American opinion. But it's all about pandering to the rabid xenophobic base that will make up the majority of Republican voters. And although most Americans think that the United States should support Ukraine, 47% of Republicans think we're doing "too much." And it's those people that DeSantis and Trump want.

Source: Gallup

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans’ already-negative opinions of Russia have soured further in the past year, dropping from 15% holding a favorable view to 9%. The current reading for Russia is the lowest Gallup has measured since it first asked about the “Soviet Union” in this format in 1989.

Russia is now the fourth country in Gallup’s polling of country favorable ratings to register a sub-10% favorable score. Iran, Iraq and North Korea have had ratings below 10% on multiple occasions. The all-time low favorable rating for any country was 3% for Iraq in 1991 during the Persian Gulf War.

Gallup’s 2023 World Affairs poll finds 90% of Americans having an unfavorable opinion of Russia, including a 59% majority who have a “very unfavorable” view. Last year, 42% held a very unfavorable opinion of Russia, and in 2021, 36% did. Before 2020, no more than 32% had viewed Russia very unfavorably.


via Gallup: "Nearly half of Republicans, 47%, say the U.S. is doing too much, while 48% of Democrats say American involvement is about right. Most of the rest of Democrats, 41%, say the U.S. is not doing enough. Independents are evenly divided between the two camps, with 35% each saying the U.S. is doing too much and the right amount. Democrats are more likely than independents and Republicans to think the U.S. is not doing enough."


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