Attorney Alan Dershowitz predicted former President Donald Trump would be indicted and convicted over hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.
March 20, 2023

Attorney Alan Dershowitz predicted former President Donald Trump would be indicted and convicted over hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.

Dershowitz made the claim after Trump revealed on Saturday that he believed he would be arrested on Tuesday.

"He will be indicted," Dershowitz told Newsmax on Sunday. "In New York, you can indict a ham sandwich. In New York City, you can convict a ham sandwich because the jury pool is so unfair."

"Even if he's convicted, he can run for president," he insisted, pointing out that Trump meets the Constitutional requirements for office.

"He can run for president from prison; he can even serve as president from prison," the attorney said.

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